“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
Over the past year or two, I’ve had some ridiculous expositions to a varied set of experiences. These experiences have taught me a lot - both educationally and in many aspects of life. Thinking about these eventually made me think about my blog (that makes no sense, but uh well that’s what happened 😅). The way it stands currently, it’s extremely generic; everyone can agree that Sid’s Blog is a placeholder for a name and just way to showcase that I am lazy. The revamp is supposed to change the branding of this blog.
I mean laziness is still an inherent characteristic in me 😛, but sometimes certain events in my life make me go, “Yep it’s time to do something here and show everyone, or someone.”
Project GIA
You must know one thing: I am very picky with my names. The way I choose names is also slightly different:
- Think of some name - usually out of thin air.
- Somehow try to make meaning from it given the context.
- Move on and repeat if no associated meaning reveals itself.
Gia came to my mind and I instantly searched for it’s meaning - finding that it originated in Italy and that it’s supposed to mean “God is gracious”. Aaaaand, let’s just get one thing out of the way before this turns into a heated discussion: I like the name, but it doesn’t find its basis in the meaning at all. Instead, GIA stands for Generally an Information Arsenal.
I was also confounded over the pronunciation, but I finally settled for the prevalent soft G variant.Yeah multiple internal debates later, I think I like the hard variant (pronounced like Guy-a). It’s different in a way and I like that.
This reflects the purpose of the blog perfectly. This blog is not supposed to be just information here and there and at the same time it’s not meant to be a “Sid does this today”. There’s a sweet equilibrium between the two and that’s where the content of the blog lies. The blog was created with the intentions of it being mostly informative, but also fun.
What this means
This minor revamp will take place over the next few days.
For the most part it means nothing. The most that could happens is that the blog goes through a few visual changes here and there. And this time, it’ll happen.
I hope I don’t procrastinate yet again. 😬
As for the content, well it’s going to get refined. And many varied posts are on the way (I have planned many in my head. What remains is making them a reality). Expect to witness heated discussions (alright that’s debatable with the current follower base), my thoughts on different topics, scientific expositions, tutorials and much more! And nope, you won’t be losing the informal aspect. I cherish the relative informality that I keep in the posts, so that’s never going.
That’s all for this one! Thank you so much for sticking around and reading this.
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