Hello future reader! The human currently editing this markdown document (which is then rendered as html thanks to some nifty tech) is me! Who’s “me”? Well, I go by the name of Sid!
I am yet another entity on this planet. And I am of the type to be amazed by the fact that we both share the same planet! This blog is supposed to be one of my outs to the world. Knowledge stems from experience, and I want this place to be my experience-sharing area.
I also believe that the best way to actually know about someone is to focus more on their thoughts, beliefs and suchlike instead of what they make of themselves. Definitely going to appreciate if you read the posts 😛
I am addicted to interesting things, and it definitely happens to be that as I grow, that list of things changes, but I can sure list out some categories:
- Science! (Alright c’mon that should be obvious)
- Math!
- CS!
- Music!
- Yeah this is already getting difficult
My blog, GAIA is supposed to be a way for me to document myself - my thoughts and stuff that entice me.
GAIA = Generally An Information Arsenal. The more you know!
The journey so far
Alright, so the guy aka Sid aka me is pretty lazy at times. Sometimes he’s struggling through something, or well he’s just looking for excuses. At times, he’s extremely dedicated and that’s when the real stuff happened. I created the blog with the sole purpose of learning about Jekyll and GitHub Pages. This want for knowledge evolved into a want for sharing knowledge with my next few posts.
This was quickly superseded by the want to make the blog look perfect. I spent more and more time on things that I just didn’t like about the blog, and the content quickly took a backseat. Designing new parts of this blog has been extremely fun. The revamp that I planned was excruciatingly long, but I suppose it’s still worth it.
And then I came to realization that instead of worrying about things eternally, I should get things ready to a state that I will love forever. Of course there’s no way to achieve complete perfection, but focusing on the content is also beneficial. I don’t want this to be yet another dormant project on the internet.
Before you go
So yep. GAIA’s the digital embodiment of Sid - well kinda. It’s not supposed to informationally exhaustive, but it’s not supposed to be the complete opposite either. A sweet spot where you have information and casual talk all combined into the richness of some beautiful text and images on the web.
GAIA’s not perfect. And it’ll never be. If you find any bugs, it’ll be much appreciated if you let me know using the comments for example.
Thanks for showing interest in a random person’s about me. I hope you enjoy everything that I have to offer!