The Lazy Mathematician's Guide to Effortless Enumeration

The Lazy Mathematician's Guide to Effortless Enumeration

A post introducing one of the most convenient tools in the world of combinatorics and discrete mathematics: generating functions.
A Mental Dump

A Mental Dump

A collection of all the thoughts and ideas I have had for the past few months. A dump because it seemed implausible that I will otherwise go about doing anything related to them.
On feeling better

On feeling better

To myself, those who are lost, those who are afraid, those who have that interesting feeling in their chest, and every other fellow human.
A few updates

A few updates

A well deserved update to the whole revamp thing I had planned a year ago
Blog Revamp: Project GIA

Blog Revamp: Project GIA

This blog is supposed to be an arsenal of information. Or is it?
Energy Series | Part 3
The mathematical search for work

The mathematical search for work

With Vector Calculus 👀
Let's talk Unicode 😐

Let's talk Unicode 😐

It's just us trying to fix a mess we didn't think about beforehand.
Energy Series | Part 2
Work, Vectors, Forces and Energy - Some math behind it all

Work, Vectors, Forces and Energy - Some math behind it all

A sequel to our first intuition about Energy. This one delves into the elementary mathematical aspects (a bit).
Infinity Series | Part 1
Infinity and the

Infinity and the "ruckus" caused by it

Ever wondered what infinity is? Is it a number? Does it even have existence? Let's wonder together!